Colors are ideology
Indeed, following ideology: color by itself does not mean anything! Nothing. At all. All taks about some colors not harmonizing with others or meaning something without the surrounding context is shamanism worse then horoscope.
“Red means danger” says a man that in the morning had eaten a tomato with fortitude without trembling. “Black is too obscure” – says another who read black letters in his morning newspaper and were laughing. “Grey is boring” – compains third. You are boring! Look at Baster Kiton. He is all grey but much funnier then you are. “Blue symbolize hope, green renewal” – designer talks nonsense. Please… designer… stop this and tell the client here are 16 millions colors point your finger. We will color it any color but delete button remains red (by the way, the client never argues that one :-)).
When I hear that red and green do not harmonize I go mad. Look at the freaking range of strawberries you moron!