Idea giveaway: Social salad bar chain
Here is an idea I discussed with a colleague of mine during lunch and its up for grab to you.
We discussed how one can mix social media with a brick and mortar business and came up with this brilliant move :)
Imaging you are entering a salad bar that looks like an internet cafe. There are flat touch screens along the walls and big screens hanging from the ceiling. You go towards one of the screens and start mixing your salad. You simply touch the ingredients buttons on the screen and hit “done” when you are finished.
Now, the guys and gals at the kitchen start mixing your salad for you, while the system checks if anybody else in the history of the salad chain have chosen same ingredients, if no: Hey! you can name you own salad mix, the camera in the screen snaps a picture of you, you can write some lines that will be stored together with the recipe and next time somebody chooses the same ingredients, they will see that this is YOUR mix :) they´ve just ordered.
The screens at the ceiling show what other people are eating right now in the bar, they show what salads are most popular, and most rare ones.
Of cause there will be possible to log in into the system online from home, and see the list of all “your” mixes, you can discuss them with other users. You can browse the recipes of others, you can even order online or from your iPhone one of the existing mixes in the nearby salad bar.
The menu with the existing mixes is also available on the touch screens in the bar.
You can do this for pizza chains or other businesses. Hey, I think this will work, what´s your thoughts? Share them in comments.