To click or not to click on AdWords?
Often I find myself analyzing the ad, thinking of relevancy towards my query (or page I’m on), etc all this in a blink of an eye and then suddenly I start using ages (comparatively to the milliseconds that went on the previous step) and my thoughts are very strange:Â Â
…how much money this guy makes from his blog…
…how much will my click cost the advertiser and how much money will the page owner get…
…these guys are offering a good product I rather type their url directly to the address bar and save them some cents/bucks…
…this is totally unrelevant and done on purpose by the advertiser, I’ll click and leave just to tap their budget…
And the best part is that I actually do all those things :-). I click on unrelevant ads, I type straight into the address bar etc… Am I the only one being such a #%¤& ? Did you find yourself doing same things, thinking the same? Is it all about how much you know about the Internet marketing? Have I been too much on the net?